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15th International Fundamental Science Congress 2024 (IFSC2024)

From Lab to Life: Translating Scientific Discoveries for a Sustainable Tomorrow

The International Fundamental Science Congress (IFSC) is an annual event that celebrates the essence of scientific exploration and its profound impact on society. This year 2024, the 15th IFSC, co-organized by Kasetsart University (KU), Thailand and IPB University (IPB), Indonesia is anchored on the theme, “From Lab to Life: Translating Scientific Discoveries for a Sustainable Tomorrow”, explores how scientific discoveries, nurtured in laboratories, are translated into practical solutions that address pressing challenges and enhance societal well-being. Central to IFSC2024 is the exploration of innovative approaches that promote sustainability across various domains. From renewable energy technologies to eco-friendly materials, the congress showcases how scientific innovations pave the way for a greener, more sustainable future. This theme highlights the multidisciplinary nature of translating scientific discoveries in the field of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics and Statistics. 

The IFSC serves as a platform for fostering collaboration and interdisciplinary exchange among scientists, researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders. At the heart of IFSC2024 theme lies a commitment to empowering communities and improving quality of life through science. By harnessing the power of fundamental science, applied science and technology, the interconnected challenges for growth and a sustainable tomorrow can be addressed.